Flowering Of Organizations

Existing norms, assumptions, and institutions are being comprehensively challenged and some are fast collapsing. A meaningful alternative approach to development of organizations is the need of the hour. This is true regardless of the nature of the organization.

Aurosoorya offers advanced consulting services to facilitate such an approach to the development of organizations. These include:

  • Strategic Planning: Application of various analyses such as SWOT, PEST, and Fractal Dynamics to gain insight into best futures and possible paths there for an organization.
  • Formation of Intent: Creation of principles and values that drive an organization. This requires understanding the case for change, future direction, and stakeholder concerns. Principles and values are non-negotiable drivers to allow an organization to maneuver through chaos and distractions towards its envisioned future.
  • Scenario Planning: Creation of longer-term alternative futures within which an organization may need to function. Also will create indicators for recognizing futures and common tactics and strategies that may be applied across uncommon futures. Best used at times of significant transition where the future is unclear.
  • Business Process Re-engineering: Realization of business process effectiveness and improvement across the organization. Usually requires starting from a desired vision of the future and 'clean slating' targeted business processes.
  • Organizational Transformation: Radical change in organizational functioning driven by fulfillment of business imperatives. Achieving organizational transformation requires clear alignment of leaders up front and continued commitment and discipline through the design and implementation phases.
  • Sustainability and CSR strategy: Creation of sustainability and CSR strategy driven by a combination of stakeholder and business imperatives and an organizations appetite for engaging in compliance, integration, and transformation alternatives.
  • Risk Analyses: Application of comprehensive real-time risk assessment and optimization to any business imperative or initiative within an organization to maximize ROI.
  • Corporate DNA Formation and Replication: Formation and / or clarification of organizational DNA and replication through the use of appropriate tools and processes.

We look forward to assisting your organization in preparing for the future.

If you wish to find out more, please contact us here .